Tag Archives: isobel campbell

sleepy jubilee: country music

What Happened to Country Music?

If you would have told me 3 years ago that country music was cool, I would have probably either punched you in the solarplexes or grandadded you in the thigh, unless you were a small town American in which case I would have probably discarded your opinion as irrelevant, so it has come as a great surprise to me when I found out in 2010 that I may have been wrong.

I first discovered that country classics like “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk” or “She Got the Ring and I Got the Finger” weren’t an accurate representation of the whole world of country music when I heard of a young man from South Carolina called Michael Trent who was fronting the band The Films.

At this point I shall point out that I’m sure I have lost a lot of readers already after just two paragraphs, this is because basically people cannot see through the words country music, and immediately hate you for mentioning it, and it’s like gypsies or gingers, somethings will never be liked but like everyone over 28 says never judge a book by its cover (I knew a ginger once who was alright so that proves my point… not gypsies though, they are cunts). Continue reading